Thursday, 20 February 2014

New era strategy

We started a new era on another server and I found the strategy being used very interesting. We intentionally did not level our goods in the previous era. However as soon as the era started we pushed the required goods and ended up raising our city level twice in a day! 
The normal strategy I have seen is that there our four main associations. The association that loses a good gets the new good. This would be the perfect strategy in an ideal server where each and every member of the four associations are equally active and are able to grow at the same rate. In other words it is rail nation utopia. The truth is that usually at least one association will not be upto scratch. So the solution would be for the top association to either take on the new goods or help with them or at least help with the new goods. Taking on a new good by a stronger association is a very good idea especially if the smaller association has not researched coupling. More on coupling later. In the meantime keep on chugging.

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